Healthy friends, beware! First, I commend you for wanting to try non dairy 'milk' however this one is FAR FROM HEALTHY. The labeling is grossly deceiving …
Most people read labels for the fat, sodium & sugar content, but do not fully comprehend the meaning of some of the other ingredients, to their own detriment.
If you eat processed foods, you are most likely ingesting Carrageenan. This ubiquitous additive is found in foods such as. ice cream, half & half, cream, cottage cheese, chocolate milk, some hemp milks, rice milk, almond milk, soy milk, cheesecake, processed meats, hot dogs, frozen desserts, apple cider, jellies, prepared sauces, pies, puddings and baby “formulas.” It is in other processed foods, but it may not be listed on the label, because it is part of another ingredient.
What is Carrageenan?
Carrageenan is a commonly used food additive that is extracted from red seaweed by using powerful alkali solvents. These solvents would remove the tissues and skin from your hands as readily as would any acid. Carrageenan is a thickening agent. It's the vegetarian equivalent of casein, the same protein that is isolated from milk and used to thicken foods. Casein is also used to produce paints, and is the glue used to hold a label to a bottle of beer. Carrageenan is the magic ingredient used to de-ice frozen airplanes sitting on tarmacs during winter storms. IS CARRAGEENAN REALLY NATURAL? Carrageenan is about as wholesome as monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is extracted from rice, and can equally be considered natural. Aspartame (NutraPoison) is also natural, as it is extracted from decayed plant matter that has been underground for millions of years (oil). So too are many other substances such as carrageenan that can also be classified by FDA and USDA as wholesome and natural food additives. Just because something comes from a natural source does not mean that it is safe.
Some people do not experience gastric discomfort caused by the Vaseline-like food additive, carrageenan. Many people do.
Why is carrageenan dangerous?
Here is what a number of doctors and health researchers have to say.
- Per Dr. Ray Peat, PhD, It has been found to cause colitis (inflammation of the large intestine/colon) and anaphylaxis (life threatening allergic reaction) in humans.
- Dr. Andrew Weil says, “Carrageenan can cause ulcerations and cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.”
- Dr. Mercola writes: “A number of studies have found that the widely used food additive carrageenan causes cancer in food animals and its use in human foods should be reconsidered…enough evidence exists about the cancer-causing effects of carrageenan to limit the use of this food additive.”
There are other questionable additives that are being used in our food supply and the only way to avoid them is to eat unprocessed foods.
I advise you not to buy something, if you can’t pronounce it…do you know what carrageenan, locust bean gum, guar gum, xanthan, etc is? All of these additives cause side effects that can cause gastrointestinal problems. Most doctors treat your symptoms with medications, instead of, determining what is causing the symptoms. They are blissfully unaware that many of the foods and substances you are eating - have caused your health problems.
If you suffer from flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, loose stools or even blood in your stool, it could be related to the foods or substances that are irritating your intestinal tract.
Just because seaweed is natural - does not mean it is a healthy food for human beings. The red seaweed from which carrageenan has been derived from - should be avoided. It isn’t worth the possibility of gastrointestinal disease or cancer.
Here’s one almond milk I know of that does not have Carrageenan in it…rather it uses Gellan Gum. Almond Dream…this unsweetened version is only 30 calories per serving (8 oz or 1 cup), with NO added sugars, as opposed to Almond Breeze, which is 90 calories for the same serving size, and 15g OF ADDED SUGAR!!! 60 calories of the Almond Breeze is added sugar, as you can see if you compare the labels side by side.
Gellan Gum - a food gum that is primarily used as a gelling agent. It can be used in fortified beverages to suspend protein, minerals, vitamins, fiber and pulp. Gellan gum also suspends milk solids in diluted milk drinks. Gellan gum can act as a fluid gel, having a wide range of textures, and can exist as a light pourable gel or a thick, spreadable paste. Gellan gum is a non-animal gel source which is suitable for vegetarians and people with religious dietary restrictions (Kosher/Halal).
So there you have it folks. If you don't have the ability to make it at home using a high powered blender such as a Vitamix, this is the easier, more convenient route. How convenient is cancer or IBS or any other health related and debilitating disease I ask? That's up to you to define, but I make my own almond milk at home, when my boyfriend isn't being a dork and buying whatever looks good on the shelf. I made him return this when he came home with it...I'm THAT serious about this. If you can make it at home, it's the easiest thing ever. All you need is:
- 1 cup almonds (soaked overnight in water)
- 4 cups water
- Optional = 2-3 dates, or 1/4 cup agave nectar, stevia to taste (natural sweetener 300 times sweeter than sugar, with no calories) to sweeten
- Optional = 1 tsp of vanilla
I hope this plants a seed in your head regarding the importance of understanding modern food labels and that the real lesson here, is the closer any product is to it's natural state, the healthier for you!
gellan gum is in oat milk..I had a bit in my tea last night and today am having an adverse reaction as if I consumed carrageenan. Not ever again..the process messes with its glutemates..and also with mine..ugh!!!
ReplyDeleteFrom looking at the website, it appears that Almond Dream does indeed have carrageenan as an ingredient:
Prehaps I will just have to start making my own almond milk even tho that process may be time consuming.
?"gellan gum is non-animal"-??is Bacteria not an animal?-gellan or any other by product is allergenic-that is--your body will try to get rid of it-by putting up a reaction to neutralize,digest,attack,and expel-the poisons which it does not need as food for its cells-yeast are plants sort of--and bacteria are animals-look it up-so are our own cells--virus are just our,mitochondrias;own dna,or,,Rna leaked out of sick or dead cells
ReplyDeletegellum-I GUESS USING TREE INNER BARK-LIKE SLIPPERY ELM-or Linden leaves-insstead of bacteria animal "shit" or spit-
ReplyDeleteis just too easy-and does not involve scientists jobs or stockmarket shares-hi tech =hi value of shares-cardboard,n,wax,box,in,these,nut milks-are the price u pay-2 minutes of blender will,get,yr,nut,drink-but,better,to,chew,nuts-the,starch is digested in the mouth-the parotid glands start the starch breakdown prrocess-otherwise the starch will ferment-and poison your blood-drink thyme tea-cold in summer to repel insects of all kinds-lice vs thyme tea rinse
ANIMALS ARE exploited TO mAKE,and test gellan-also-modified genetic engineered-see-pdf-Gellan Gum: Fermentative Production, Downstream ...
by IB Bajaj - 2007 - Related articles
pp352,349,350--for its production using killed pig body parts as gelatin-cow 's milk casein,lactose-and tested on monkeys,dogs,etc,with,massive doses-on humans said "faecal bulking in most subjects"-cd be bc gels absorb the water in intestines-why not use linseed gel?bc s it doesnt hire scientists- ,n,stockmarket shares- says keep costs down by using agricultural wastes n dairy wastes-enter cow,pig shit-and cows
forced to excessive painful milking -life of pain n early death fr overproducing
they DO use corrosive agents,to,bring,down,the,ph-also,says-"need,ORGANIC NITROGEN" for,better,thickness"-organic nitrogen is--SEWAGE-and animal shit,which,is,"agricultural waste"-which,they,cannot,get,rid,of-so,now,feed it to bacteria-to shit out gellan gum-which contains the cow,pig,etc,chemicals these livestocks were fed -and shit out