I will share the changes I made to and amazing findings via my exercise and vitamin intake, in the blogs 'Di Hard' and 'Vitamin Di' respectively, but since this blog 'Chef Boy R Di' was created to share recipe and food tip ideas, I will cover my favorite breakfast of champion meal below. If you're the type that likes to SKIP BREAKFAST, because either you're short on time, or fall under the false understanding that you'll be burning fat for fuel until lunch, you are actually doing the opposite, YOU'RE GETTING FATTER!
Think about it! Let's say you go to bed at 10 and wake up at 6. That's 8 HOURS OF FASTING. When you rise, your body is starved, on empty, driving around desparetely seeking a 76 station to fill up. Instead, most of us, keep driving down to E, then below E, to the point that we're running on fumes, and all you car geeks know what that means to your engine. DON'T PUT STRESS ON YOUR BODY like that. Why do you think we crash at 2pm after lunch? We end up overeating, eating more 'energy' than our body can use for immediate fuel or store for later use, and guess where it goes? To the places that all of you email me about identified as your 'problem areas'...butt, thighs and the most common...BELLY FAT! If you look at a Richter scale after an 8.0 quake, that's exactly what your blood sugar (ie - energy) looks like ALL DAY LONG! Here's the timeline:
10pm - in Bed
6am - wake up
8am - at work
Noon - Lunch
YOUR BODY HAS GONE WITHOUT FUEL FOR 14 HOURS! No wonder you're tired at 2pm, and have every intention of making it to the gym after work, but pass due to fatigue, blaming it on a busy work day! Before lunch, your metabolism is slowed until you feed your body, then after lunch it's exhausted because it had to work overtime to break down the traffic of food you shot down your esophagus (insulin spike = low blood sugar = low energy).

-3 pumps Egg Whites International (see my affiliates link on my site)
-1/2 packet Whey Protein Powder of choice (ask me for one I approve of)
-dash cinnamon
-packet stevia
-1/8 cup nuts (walnuts, pecans, sliced almonds) or 1 tbsp nut butter
-1/2 banana or 1/2 cup combo of fruit (strawberries, blueberries are yum and high antioxidant, as pictured)
The fast version (stove top cooked is best):
Heat up Oatmeal with water for 1.5 min (add just enough water to yield thick oatmeal)
Pump in egg whites, stir and add to micro for only 30 seconds so as not to cook them
Stir in all remaining ingredients of choice, and enjoy!
When I was pressed for time, I'd prepare this and eat it on the way to work, EASY!
If you know anything about the aforementioned foods, you can identify that it's:
SUGAR FREE (processed that is)
That has been the foundation of my diet for the last 3 weeks, and in the first week alone, I watched the 'swollen' appearance of my body decrease significantly (commonly misidentified as fat), felt more CONSTANT ENERGY throughout the day, and SLEPT BETTER. I will have further blogs on the remainder of my findings, but this has been BY FAR THE BEST EATING LIFESTYLE I've encountered. I cannot wait to share more!
Oh, and one last thing...after my first week of cleaning myself out with a 7 day cleanse by Nutriclean, that I sell in my online wellness store, with only healthy herbs and no harsh laxatives, I tried a white flour pita to see how my body would react, and the next morning I WAS BLOATED all over my face, my energy was zapped and I was itchy all over. I didn't feel that way a couple of years ago, when I was eating white flour regularly, uninformed of it's demise. And although I didn't set out to completely ax coffee out of my morning routine, I lost the craving for it since I awoke with natural energy, as I slept better too. When I did try a cup, my body rejected it and I felt like a crack addict all day long, so that was the end of that. WHOA! A key learning: JUST BECAUSE OUR BODIES ADAPT TO BAD FOOD, AND ARE ASYMPTOMATIC, DOESN'T MEAN we're healthy! Only through trial and error of elimination can we find the sources of our problems.
For more information on the cleanse I followed, which I will guide you through as your Di-gestion coach, CLICK HERE for info and how to order. All you have to lose is 5-12 pounds, some inflammation, allergies, and fatigue. :)
Please email me if any of you healthy friends need further help!
NOW GET YOUR CLEANSE ON and DONT forget your breakfast nor your probiotics!
Two things...
ReplyDelete1. Most Oatmeal is not considered Gluten-free.
2. Where is the rest of your FUSION changes! Your public needs to know!
1. This one is Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free oatmeal. Most are gluten free for the most part but CAN get cross contaminated during processing and thus the ones labelled gluten-free are just "guaranteed" not to have been contaminated. The general consensus at this point seems to be that pure oats are safe for most, but not all, people with celiac.
2. I addressed some of them in my Di-Hard and Vitamin-Di blogs. What seems to be missing? My point was not to give it away exactly b/c what I do won't work on everyone. It was to hit home that it's trial and error to find your sweet spot.
Let me know what I'm missing and I'll follow up with another blog. Plus I'm writing a book now, so blogs will be specified toward progress on that. :)